5 Best Practices for Google AdWords Management Account Creation

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Google AdWords Management Account Creation

Creating a Google AdWords Management Account (GAM) can be a daunting task. With so many variables, settings, and options, it’s easy to make a mistake or overlook something critical. To help ensure your GAM is set up correctly and up to the highest standards, here are five best practices you should consider before setting up your account.

1. Set Up Your Account Structure

The structure of your account is the key to success for your Google AdWords campaigns. It’s necessary to ensure your campaigns, ad groups, and keywords are properly organized. To ensure all campaigns are structured correctly, it’s important to consider the following:

  • Create campaigns based on channel, product, and market.
  • Break out campaigns into ad groups based on keyword themes.
  • Separate campaigns and ad groups by product lines.

2. Optimize Your Settings

By properly setting up the settings for your Google AdWords account, you can ensure your campaigns will run efficiently and effectively. Here are some settings you should consider optimizing:

  • Set up geotargeting and language targeting to target the right audiences.
  • Set up ad rotation settings to give each ad equal exposure.
  • Set up device targeting to target specific devices.
  • Set up Campaign Priority to help prioritize your campaigns.

3. Utilize Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are an important part of any Google AdWords campaign. By adding negative keywords to your campaigns, you can minimize the potential of your ads being shown to irrelevant users and save money by not showing your ads to searches that won’t convert.

4. Track Conversions

Tracking conversions is an essential part of optimizing any Google AdWords campaign. To ensure you are tracking conversions correctly, consider the following:

  • Set up conversion tracking for your website.
  • Set up conversion tracking for your phone calls.
  • Set up conversion tracking for other goals, such as newsletter signups.

5. Test Your Ads

Test Your Ads
Here are a few tips for testing your ads


Once you have your campaigns set up, the next step is to test your ads. This is a critical step in ensuring your campaigns are optimized for success. Here are a few tips for testing your ads:

  • Test different ad formats such as text ads or image ads.
  • Test different ad copy such as calls-to-action or headlines.

To sum it up, creating and managing a Google AdWords Management Account (GAM) can be a tricky process. However, by following best practices such as properly structuring account settings, utilizing negative keywords, tracking conversions, and testing ads, businesses can ensure their campaigns are optimized for success.

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